Sunday, March 7, 2010

Take the time to listen to that inner voice and follow its guidance...

Back when we were all celebrating and ringing in the new year, my sister's friend sent this message along...and my sister in turn passed it along. It is one of those I think it deserving of sharing....enjoy...

so many of us tonight will have a few drinks, spend time with family, friends or loved ones. We may be partying or playing it safe but we will all be quietly making those resolutions in our heads. The ones we do every year over and over.....and over. We hope to loose weight or meet mr. right or be more active or give more time to our children, love our spouses more, find the perfect job, clean out the clutter, whatever it is we just seem to make and break. This year I make a resolution for us all something so simple yet it can impact us all if we just choose to act. I wish that we are all present in our lives in 2010. that we all let our faith become stronger. That we take the time to listen to that inner voice and follow its guidance. That we take the time to love our fellow man a little more. That when we wish for prosperity, we realize that means good health to us and our loved ones, time spent with family, friends and loved ones and that material things don't visit you when your sick, they don't pick you up off the couch when you had a bad day and they don't tell you they love you. May we surround ourselves more this year with love than things. and remember we have the power in our hearts and minds and body and spirit to make our lives anything we choose. If we choose to not be lazy, or procrastinate, or to hate or to hurt or to fear or regret or to say i can't or i won't. We can make good choices and act and react and be positive and loving and caring and giving and nurturing and patient and loyal and friendly and kind and productive. We have the power. Life is exactly what you make it. If you are unhappy then you have created that. If you work to much to pay the bills, what unnecessary bills did you create, what material things did you get that you now work longer and spend less time watching your children grow. If you are unhappy with how you look, you created every part of that person in the mirror. If you are unhappy that your children are misbehaving, what examples have you set, what quality time have you given them. If you are unhappy about your relationship, what is it like now compared to how it was years ago? Do you treat your spouse the same as you did or do you take their hard work and loyalty for granted. You get what i'm saying. We have the power. Be present in 2010! That's all you have to do and enjoy life. I love you all and make the promise to be present in your lives. Happy New Year
-Robi Lyons

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