Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Travel Budget

Last night was my first time finally distributing information about my trip. I was passing out fliers for my April 24th bowl-a-thon and it was so great to be able talk about where I am going and why it's important to me.

In seeking contributions, I understand my supporters are putting faith in me that all funds will be used to support expenses directly related to my trip. In the interest of full disclosure, I want to share a general outline of my fundraising needs:

Program and Application fee to Global Volunteer Network: $2,047
(includes 3 months accommodations, 2 meals a day, etc)
International Round Trip flight Atlanta to Kigali: estimated $2,200
Visa: $60
Immunizations and malaria prophylactic: $150
Other necessities including Water, laundry, internet etc: $240
Travel Insurance: $497
Departure tax: $20

As you can see, this all totals just above my fundraising goal of $5000

I appreciate everyone who has offered to help support my trip and I invite everyone who does so to follow my blog where I will be posting updates about my trip. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Tracie it is really awesome that you are doing this! Congratulations and I am looking forward to following what you're doing along the way. :)
