Sunday, April 25, 2010

Has a bag of toothbrushes and toothpaste ever moved you to tears? It has me...

Wow---I decided I had to break up that entry. LOL It is amazing what a little Beethoven Moonlight Sonata can make me ramble about...I intended to give an update on my bowl-a-thon, not an attempted lesson and aid and development....especially since I'm still learning about it myself... at any goes...

A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to everyone who braved the weather and came out to support my bowl-a-thon yesterday. In my mind, it was a success! I presume one always wishes for greater attendance, but I actually think it was perfect! The kids there seemed to have a blast - and I think the older kids did, too ;-) Some great prizes were raffled off, thanks to the support of many friends and local shops who contributed. Calculating the entry fees and the funds raised during the sale of raffle tickets this week, I believe the event itself raised between $700-800. Plus many others have been motivated to contribute generous amounts bringing my funds raised-to-date to about $3300!! Only $1700 left to my goal! Talk about hope and inspiration - I must thank you all for helping me continue to feel hopeful - I couldn't do it without you!

I have also been blessed to receive numerous items for the orphanage from my mother and my brother-in-law's mother. There are 102 children in the orphanage where I will be, ranging in ages from 4-22, who will all be touched by the kindness of your support (as I will be touched by their 102 unique souls :-) ). When I received the first box, I removed a bag of toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss - never has such a thing moved me tears, but in that moment, my nose tingled and I felt my tear ducts swell :-) I was equally thrilled to see Scrabble, bubbles, crafty stickers, motivational certificates, etc - all items requested by the orphanage which I am sooo thrilled to bring these with me.

Thank you for everything!


  1. Hello Ms. Tracie,

    If you have not read this article, I think you will enjoy when you do:

    lots for us to discuss on Monday!


  2. Tracie....even more great news a bit closer to home!
