Sunday, April 25, 2010

Has a bag of toothbrushes and toothpaste ever moved you to tears? It has me...

Wow---I decided I had to break up that entry. LOL It is amazing what a little Beethoven Moonlight Sonata can make me ramble about...I intended to give an update on my bowl-a-thon, not an attempted lesson and aid and development....especially since I'm still learning about it myself... at any goes...

A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to everyone who braved the weather and came out to support my bowl-a-thon yesterday. In my mind, it was a success! I presume one always wishes for greater attendance, but I actually think it was perfect! The kids there seemed to have a blast - and I think the older kids did, too ;-) Some great prizes were raffled off, thanks to the support of many friends and local shops who contributed. Calculating the entry fees and the funds raised during the sale of raffle tickets this week, I believe the event itself raised between $700-800. Plus many others have been motivated to contribute generous amounts bringing my funds raised-to-date to about $3300!! Only $1700 left to my goal! Talk about hope and inspiration - I must thank you all for helping me continue to feel hopeful - I couldn't do it without you!

I have also been blessed to receive numerous items for the orphanage from my mother and my brother-in-law's mother. There are 102 children in the orphanage where I will be, ranging in ages from 4-22, who will all be touched by the kindness of your support (as I will be touched by their 102 unique souls :-) ). When I received the first box, I removed a bag of toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss - never has such a thing moved me tears, but in that moment, my nose tingled and I felt my tear ducts swell :-) I was equally thrilled to see Scrabble, bubbles, crafty stickers, motivational certificates, etc - all items requested by the orphanage which I am sooo thrilled to bring these with me.

Thank you for everything!

How does a mother know when to let go and watch their child fail, knowing success will be just around the corner?

It has been quite a while since I've made any entries here. April has been such a busy month. I cannot believe that a couple months have flown by since I started this! During the last couple of weeks, I have met and reconnected with some amazing people. It is incredible how, when you are walking down the right path - your path - that you become so much more aware and receptive to the relationships that can have true meaning in your life....forcing yourself down a path of discomfort and apprehension, rarely are your senses open to truly appreciate what is around thank you April, for bringing me in tune with my soul :-)

I attending a screening of The Last Survivor at the Atlanta Film Festival a week ago. It was an inspiring and motivational film about survivors of horrible atrocities including the Holocaust, the Rwanda and Darfur genocides and the horrible crimes of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The stories told by these four survivors both moved me and allowed me to rediscover the true meaning of resilience. There was a Q&A following the film and one gentleman commented on the message of hope that the movie tried to convey throughout. He said that although he was moved by their stories and was inspired by their individuals feats, he actually did NOT have a sense of hope for the future.... that be believed there really will continue to be genocides and crimes against humanity happening around the world for generations to come.... At first, this comment really upset me. I mean, honestly, it does still, but after pondering on it a bit, I do understand his perspective, but I choose to take a different one.... suppose everyone around the country just believed that slavery would never die; that women would never get the right to vote; that countries in utter turmoil, like Germany during the war, would never really see prosperity....then where would we all be? I was at first angered by this man's comment because I refuse to live in world where I just tell myself the horrible things happening will continue. Most people know I am quite the idealist....but really, I think we must convince ourselves these crimes will end, that our children's children may not have to suffer in a world where such hatred is spread like the plague. Ok, so yes, maybe I am the idealist. But if put effort toward trying to do something to make that ideal world a little closer, even if I know in my gut it may never be, well, then, I feel like I am doing something instead of settling...i guess it is like "The Secret" but that's a whole other entry in itself :-)

But, I must continue by sharing some views that I have recently heard expressed by numerous individuals which I have come to respect and believe to be equally true...the hardships in Africa can really only be truly transformed from the inside-out. As individuals inspired to provide aid and support to developing communities, we must equally ask ourselves, are our actions perpetuating the reliance of individuals on the western countries to "save" them or are our efforts going towards improving a root cause?? Now, obviously there is no simple answer to this questions - humanitarians and economists have been pondering the options for years...not to mention the politics of it all. It may be a sad truth that the aid and effects of globalization that many of us may think is beneficial is really just aiding their dependence...

Now...must say that it is just in recent weeks of reading many interesting books and listening to fascinating speakers that these thoughts have really taken root. I look at the trip I am making to my lifetime, I cannot see how this type of work could be viewed as a negative and I hope my above comments do not imply that. I am just trying to continue educating myself so I can act on rationale, and not simply on emotion. I feel inspired and confused and frustrated and optimistic that Africa - along with other developing nations - will move through their own phase of Enlightenment as every developed nation has had to do. We cannot rush the growth of a nation. A child will fall numerous times before taking its first step, but we have to let go and see the child grow on its own at some point. If you continue to feed a child with your own hand, they will never learn to eat on their own... it may be our time to soon let go and watch failure from a distance so growth and maturity can take root...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Randomness of Life's Kaleidoscope

I posted this on facebook a while ago...and it seems to me coming back to my mind yet again...

...thinking about this amazing kaleidoscope called people come and go into each others lives never quite knowing the impression they've left on you....and you never knowing the impression you leave on them...and somehow it's all interconnected...and "things happen for a reason"...and you realize the resilience you foster over keep pushing when you're down....and to be grateful for what you have, especially when there are so many without....and before you know it, the colors merge yet again into the absolute perfection of this moment's imperfection.....

So I lied to my little sister tonight...I told her I had posted on my blog the other items I am collecting for the orphanage.....but I guess I haven't done that. I have has so many amazing people ask for this list, and I do know one of my dearest friends, Erin, has collected a bunch of items for the kids. So Candyce - any anyone else - here is the list:

* Toothpaste
* Toothbrushes
* Vitamins/Calcium tablets
* Scabies Medicine
* Multivitamins (syrup more than tablets)
* Antibiotics, antiseptics
* Medical family guides
* Gauze, plasters (elastoplast, not band-aid)
* Antifungal cream
* Wart treatment
* Gloves
* Head lice treatment (for the kids and for yourself)
* Nit combs (almost all children have their heads shaved, only the very rich have money for hair)
* Any books and/or research on health care relevant to Africa
* First aid materials for teaching
* Antibacterial Soap
* Hankies
* Children's clothing
* Balloons
* Water Balloon
* Bubble Solution
* Face Paint
* A cassette player, plenty of batteries and some children's music
* Treats such as stickers, stamps and certificates etc will encourage the children. (for example a star chart to encourage good behaviour.)
* Group games such as bingo, crossword puzzles, scrabble, snakes and ladders, twister etc.
* Mirrors

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fantastic news.....

This Easter weekend brought some fantastic news from a couple of my dearest friends. My best friend from back home just completed a nine-mile walk-a-thon on Saturday. She collected pledges and was able to raise $400 for my trip! Again, I am sooo moved - THANK YOU!!

And another dear friend went on a mini bargain shopping spree and purchased numerous items for the children at the orphanage! She was also able to get her husband, who is on the professional bowlers tour, to get two autographed bowling balls donated to my bowl-a-thon! One by Walter Ray Williams, Jr and the other by Parker Bohn III - THANK YOU!! She has numerous other projects in the works....

As I have said before, I am so grateful for your support - and I cannot wait to see the childrens' faces when they see these new things. Thank you!