Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why do I want to do this?? To help every child be the most they can be...

Through my volunteer work I have learned a great deal about the effects genocide can have on people and a nation. I have watched numerous movies including Hotel Rwanda and have read books including Live To Tell about the genocide in Rwanda. It is inexcusable that people have allowed these types of activities occur, and I am driven to do my small part to help bring positive experiences to the country.

Two years ago, EARTH University was honored to have Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Muhammed Yunus, speak at its graduation ceremony. During the ceremony, he talked about his views on poverty, comparing it to a bonsai tree. He explained the process of taking a seed from a large tree in the forest and planting it in a small pot; the growth becomes stunted because the seed is not given the space to grow. He explained that one may thing there is something wrong with the seed, but that is not the case, “…there is nothing wrong with their seeds. Society never gave them the space so that they can grow as tall as everybody else.”

Ever since I heard this simple yet powerful metaphor, I realized I wanted to help make room for that seed to grow. I believe a child’s smile can lighten a room and I get no greater joy than to see them work through a challenge and succeed in learning something new. I am at the perfect moment in my life to travel and do the international volunteer work that I have been looking forward to for years. This program just feels right. There are so many disparities in the world but I believe that by bringing together people with similar passions, there is hope to defeat them.

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